
Monday, March 25, 2013

What Authors Read

I read Rick Riordan's blog posts about what he reads:
Rick's Recent Reads for March '13
Rick's Recent Reads

I have to confess that I read a lot.  I know that some people don't have time to read, but I make it a priority.  I was inspired by Rick Riordan's quote, "It fuels my engines and energizes me when I find new good books."  That's me.

Finding new good books inspires my teaching and my writing.  I know this is why I write weekly book reviews on Wednesdays.  I want to share my finds and my cautions with others.

This weekend I finished reading A Noble Groom by Jody Hedlund.  It is not a book I would share with my fourth graders, but it is good to read just for me.  If you like Christian Historical Fiction, you probably would like this book.  I also read Jody's blog and learn much from her as a fellow reader and writer.


  1. I try to make reading a priority as well. I believe that if I want to instill a love of reading in my students, I need to have a true love of reading myself.

    Eclectic Educating

    1. I agree. I know that it takes time, but it is time well spent.

  2. Hi Mary,
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog yesterday, hope you find my freebie useful! I'm glad I found this post on reading because I am very similar. I absolutely make reading a priority and also feel that is inspires me constantly. Looking forward to reading your book reviews!

    Love to Learn

    1. Thank you for stopping by. I have quite a few posted on Wednesdays. I am trying to organize them by interest, so people can more easily find what they need.
