
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Math Spies and Function Tables


Meet Maynard the Hacker.  He has hacked into the Math Spies Mathalator 3000 and sabotaged it so the Math Spies' Coded Messages won't work. 
Episode 5 of Math Spies is all about using function tables to solve coded messages.  When Maynard commits his nefarious scheme, only a skilled mathematician can find the mistakes, reprogram the Mathalator using the correct rule and decipher the messages.

Math Spies is my problem-solving website that I began developing as an after school class.  Each episode focuses on a strand of mathematics as the Math Spies combat evil with their superior computational skills.

If you prefer a paper pencil version of this unit, you can purchase this 14 page product from my Teachers Pay Teachers store or my Teachers Notebook store.

Classroom freebies
Freebie Fridays


  1. This so sounds like something my son would LOVE! I found you through Manic Monday. ;-)

    1. I hope he enjoys it. Many of my students do.
