
Friday, July 19, 2013

Name Patterning Art

Click here for the Free Printable Grid we used to complete this activity.

I did this activity with my fourth graders this past June, but it turned out so well, I think I will use it at the beginning of this school year and post them on a bulletin board. 

First, I gave my students the blank grid and had them write their name as many times as it takes beginning at the upper left corner and ending at the bottom right. 

Students create a different design for each of the letters in their name.  Each name will create a different pattern based on the number of letters and any that repeat.

After they have finished the design, I had them cut out the grid and choose a 9 X 12 piece of colored construction paper  on which to mount it.

I hope you enjoy this activity with your students.

Freebie Fridays

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday


  1. Quick and simple and CUTE!!!! Can't beat that combination! LOVE this idea. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love this idea for teaching patterns!!! Thanks for sharing! I found you on Manic Monday.
