
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

October Currently with Oh Boy 4th Grade

I can tell I am completely immersed in school when I don't start my Currently post until the second day of the month.  (In case you are new to the teacher blogging scene, Farley at Oh Boy 4th Grade does a once a month blog party on the first day of each month.  Check it out!)

Currently I am listening to the dryer where my husband is doing laundry.  (Good man...yes, he is.)

Currently I am loving that I get to pull out my sweaters.

Currently I am thinking about a lesson I am creating.  This is an understatement.  I have been obsessing about writing curriculum lately.  I woke up at three earlier this week and had to start writing.

Currently I am wanting hot tea.  I have a nagging scratchy throat and I'm hoping this will help.

Currently I am needing to schedule parent conferences which happen in a few weeks.

I decided to pass out treats. 

Click here for this free eBook in my TpT store.

Click here for this free eBook in my TN store.

Happy October!


  1. Love sweater weather! With leggings or course ;)
    Miss Elementary

  2. You are not alone posting your currently on the second day of the month. There are a ton of us! I hope your sore throat goes away quickly and you start to feel better.
    Bright Concepts 4 Teachers

  3. Sweater weather is wonderful! :)

    Found your blog through Currently and I am your newest follower. Would love for you to head over and check out my blog! Missy TheAdventuresofAClassyTeacher

    1. Thank you for following me. I just visited you, too.

  4. Thanks for the great freebie! Glad your husband is taking care of the laundry. That is wonderful. I hope your scratchy throat gets better!

    Eclectic Educating

    1. You're welcome Amy. I hope your school year is going well.
