
Sunday, December 1, 2013

December Currently with Oh Boy 4th Grade

Yay! It's time for Currently December.  I will try not to think about all I have to do for a little bit and indulge in this monthly blog party.

I am indulging in a quiet Sunday afternoon watching the Hallmark Movie Channel.  Right now "The Lost Valentine" is on where Betty White plays a widow of a man missing in action for several decades.

I'm not ready to end my long weekend, so I'm hoping that the snow in the forecast will turn into a snow day or even just a delayed start.

I need to learn to say "no." I am feeling way overbooked this month. 

My favorite tradition is Christmas Eve at our house.  My stepdaughter always spends Christmas Day at her mom's, so Christmas Eve is our family celebration. 

I'm heading over to Farley's blog to link up and find some other bloggers.  Hope you join me.


  1. Hi Mary!

    I'm totally with you on not being ready for Monday! My long weekend was so nice and I want just one more day. I wish that I could pray for a snow day but we're supposed to warm up to 50 mid-week. Grrrr :( At least I have a PD day this week :)

    The Caffeinated Teacher

  2. I love those Hallmark Christmas movies. They always get me in the mood for the season. I could watch those all day long. I agree, it is always hard to go back to work!

    Eclectic Educating
