
Monday, January 27, 2014

Groundhog Day 2014

Update 2/2/15 -- Check this post for current Groundhog Predictions information.  The links to the freebies should be the same, but we aren't doing the website this year.

The last several years I have made a huge deal about Groundhog Day.  I wrote a seven page packet using the science experiment format: Question, Prediction, Materials, Procedure, Data, Conclusion.  I set up a website to record our data and invited other classes to participate. 

At first I wasn't going to do this unit with my students this year, but then I gave them a science test and realized we need to practice the parts of an experiment in as many ways possible before they complete their science fair projects at the end of March.

So I'm a little behind this year, getting it set up and inviting others.  If you want to see what we have done in the past, visit

The seven page packet is a free download in my Teachers Pay Teachers Store and my Teachers Notebook Store.



  1. Hi Mary! Wondering if your class would like to compare weather with Darrington 2nd graders this year? Mrs. Wiersma

    1. We would love to have you join us! It's great to hear from you, Kim! I pass out the packet tomorrow.

  2. Today light snow is forecasted with a temperature of 40 degrees. However, it seems to be just drizzily so far. Our class will make our prediction about an early spring on Monday. Today Science on wheels is here at our school and it is pretty exciting.
