
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Currently May, 2014

It's Currently time today.  If you want to link up and meet other great teacher bloggers, visit Farley's blog.

Currently I'm listening to the birds because the window is open and I'm enjoying warm weather.

I'm loving that my students are done with standardized testing for the week.  We have been piloting the Smarter Balanced Assessment.  I really hope it gets better.

I'm thinking that I should organize my student data for my evaluation growth goal.  We are implementing Charlotte Danielson this year as well as Common Core and Smarter Balanced.  I just want to teach.

I want to read a book for fun, but
I need to work on some math lesson plans.

(Um, I was in such a hurry to post, that I didn't read the surprise part correctly. I frequently read Clutter-Free Classroom).  I will still offer the freebie.

My surprise is that I usually share a freebie on my blog on Fridays, but I will give you all a preview today.


Happy May!


  1. Congrats on completing standardized testing. I know how incredibly exhausting they are.
    Enjoy finding and reading a book for fun. I need one too!
    My Second Sense

  2. Don't you love the feeling of being finished with testing?!?!?! The release of stress is almost overwhelming! :) I know how you feel about the whole data year has been FULL of data due to changes. It's fun! ;)

    1. I think all the districts decided to change their evaluation systems all at once.

  3. We will finish our testing tomorrow! It has been purely awful. We had to test in two shifts everyday as we can only test half a class at a time. One of the new test rules this year is that every student must face the same direction during the test and have a three foot space around them. Trouble is we have double desks so the kids can't separate. The solution: let half the school play outside while we test the other half and then switch. Ridiculously exhausting! Found you through Farley's Currently!

    Teachers Are Terrific!

    1. Oh, that's a horrible way to test. Whoever thought this up must not have spent much time in an actual classroom.

  4. Oh man! I am so jealous that you are done with testing! We still have one left next week...ugh. I just finished reading a book for fun, granted I had to read it after 10:30 every night, but I still got a the whole Divergent series read! I would definitely encourage you to read that series, it is intense and very interesting! I found you through Farley's Currently for May!

    A New Box of Crayons

    1. We aren't quite done for the year...just for this week. We have three more sessions to go. I'm just glad I get to teach tomorrow instead of proctor.
