
Monday, June 9, 2014

Ring That Bell!

This Friday night, my stepdaughter will graduate from high school.  I know the parenting isn’t over yet, but I know that the relationship will change as she moves away to college this fall. 

On a recent college visit, we finished the formal tour and decided to check out the theater where she wants to spend most of her time.  The reception desk was empty, but there was a sign that the bookkeeper was close by and that visitors should ring the bell.

My stepdaughter was reluctant, but I was encouraging.  I didn’t want to pass up the opportunity to get more information.  So I rang the bell.

The bookkeeper was friendly.  She took us on a tour of the department and apologized that the chair was not available to meet with us. She introduced Monika to everyone we passed hoping to make her feel welcome

Ringing the bell became a symbol for me of taking an opportunity.  You never know what will happen when you try.  Some people are irritated, because they interrupted their work.  Others are so glad they get to meet you.


To the graduating class of 2014: Ring that bell!


  1. Great analogy! At school this week, people were complaining about a short summer, but I counted- 56 days of zero responsibility! Lots of opportunities to ring the bell :)

    1. Thank you. I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet, but I want to try out some new experiences. I feel like I need to get out of a rut.
