
Saturday, May 2, 2015

Currently May 2015

Hello, it's May and Oh Boy Fourth Grade posted Currently May late last night.  Join her for the blog party.

I'm excited to have my stepdaughter move home today.  I feel like I have such a long to do list this weekend.  We have six and a half weeks left of school.  (It's been one of those years, so I'm ready to be done.)
Here are my summer plans, hopes and dreams.  I definitely plan to attend my family reunion this summer.  I missed last summer, so I'm itching to catch up with everyone.
I need to get creative with some summer income.  College tuition is expensive.  It would be great if I could write something amazing that resonated with others.
And now to join the party...see you there.


  1. I had a three day weekend last weekend and it was glorious. The Friday ones are the best. Hope one heads your way soon. I got to go back to WA last summer (lived there for 8th-10th grade many moons ago) to visit my brother (who is now back in the PN as a police officer) and it was so beautiful! I'd forgotten.

    1. I have a three day weekend scheduled at the end of the month. I am looking forward to it.

  2. Hi Mary! I found your blog through Farley's link. I would love to see pictures in your post. What does your art classroom look like, and what are some projects you will be doing with your students? Carol's Teaching Garden

  3. Enjoy your reunion! College tuition is expensive! Considering starting my masters this fall, but don't want to take out loans. I graudated debt free with my undergrad, so loans are a no-no in my book! :)
    Miss Johnston's Journey
    L. Paull Designs for All

    1. I was fortunate to do all my schooling debt-free. The G. I. bill in the 80s helped me. Now I'm trying help my stepdaughter get through without loans.
      I'm glad you stopped by.
