10. Use it as a prewriting strategy for a new topic or story.
9. List ten grabber beginnings for your story or essay and choose the best one.
8. List ten ways to end your story or essay and choose the best one.
7. Have students list their Top Ten favorite books or create a list as a class by discussion and voting.
6. Write a serious Top Ten list to wrap-up a unit of study.
5. At the beginning of the school year, list the Top Ten things you are looking forward to.
4. At the end of the school year, list the Top Ten events you had as a class.
3. Use this list as a get-to-know you activity -- the Top Ten things you need to know about me.
2. Write a silly Top Ten list like late night hosts write for their shows.
1. Write ten more ways to use lists to improve your writing. Share one in the comments section.
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I used this idea to make a Top Ten list for Valentine's Day! Thanks for the ideas!
Oh that's a great idea. For next month I could have them write ten ways to trick the leprechaun out of his gold.