
Monday, March 11, 2013

Endurance and Encouragement

If you are a frequent reader of this blog, you know that I find March a difficult month to teach.  This year when I saw attitudes fade, I decided to try something new.
We had a class meeting and talked about endurance.  Most students associate this attribute with sports.  We defined it as a class as sticking with a task for a long time even when it is hard.
Next I introduced the slips and talked about the importance of encouraging others to work hard and keep going.  My students have already worked with Acts of Kindness slips, so this was a procedure I had in place.
The first day, I had people notice others who showed endurance at the end of a couple of workshop sessions.  Now I read the slips at our class meeting each morning.
I glue them to a butcher paper "track" which is simply a brown oval on a green background. I am not making a big deal about filling the track or reaching a goal.  I am hoping they value endurance for its own sake.
Click here to download the Endurance Slips as a Google Doc.

Update: to see a related bulletin board, click here.

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday
Do you have inspiration on a Monday?  Link up with Fun in 1st Grade.
Freebie Fridays


  1. Thanks for linking up! Great post. Please come back next Monday!
    :) Dana

    1. Thank you for inviting me. It's good to start Monday on a positive note.

  2. I love your endurance slips! Thanks so much for sharing!

    Mrs. B's Nook

    1. You're welcome. My students are enjoying filling up the encouragement jar.
