It's still January here near Seattle, but I know it's February on the East Coast. Time for February Currently at Oh Boy 4th Grade.
Currently I'm listening to Chris Tomlin singing, "Lord, I Need You" on a loop. Let's just say it was a tough week.
I'm loving that my report cards are almost done.
I'm thinking that I need to go to bed soon.
I want the cat to leave me alone a little longer. She likes to sit on my shoulder when I'm blogging and block the screen. Now she's giving me her back.
I need to get some lesson planning done...tomorrow.
If I had a pageant title, it would be Queen of Comedy. I love to laugh and spread laughter. When I'm upset about something, if I can find the humor in the situation, I feel better. I laughed a lot this week.
Join Farley for Currently February.